
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's TIIIIIMMMMEEEE!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sorry that I haven't been up to snuff on my blogging, but I have been trying to get everything ready for Gwen (and guests that will be visiting us)!  I went to Dr. P today and she informed us that I am almost 3 cm dilated and that we should report to the hospital at 9:30 am tomorrow morning to be induced!!! Yay!  She says that if she were to let me go on my own, it would probably happen within the next two days.... but we can't wait any longer!

So, tomorrow should be the BIG day!  The day that our little baby girl enters the world, and we become parents! OMG!!!!!  We are super excited/anxious/nervous, but couldn't be happier :) 

So, here is the last picture of Gwen in my belly:

38 weeks 6 days.

We promise to keep everyone updated.  We can't wait to meet Gwenyth Cynthia and to introduce her to you all!

Wish us luck!

Lots of love to you all.

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