Sorry that we haven't blogged in a while, but life has been SO busy! Last weekend we finally cleared out the baby's room! Yay! We fit all the furniture into the borrowed pickup truck and drove it down to its new home! Although we looked like hillbillies driving down the parkway, it was worth it because of all the progress we've made!!!
Monday we went to Meadowlands Hospital for our second ultrasound, and the u/s technician gave us the great news that it is Miss Gwen who is doing all that moving and kicking in my belly! That's right, we are having a girl! Her full name will be Gwenyth Cynthia Jasovsky, but we will call her Gwen. Jason and I are so happy!
I also hit the 20 wk mark, half way there! Here is an updated belly pic:
Here's my Mommy-To-Be Quiz for this week:
- How far along? 20 wks! My little bun in the oven is half way baked!
- Total weight gain/loss: At my last appt. (4/28) I was up a total of 3 lbs, but I have stopped weighing myself at home. I feel good and it doesn't really matter what I'm gaining/losing as long as Gwen is healthy!
- Maternity Clothes: HATE THEM! Lol. I have recently bought a pair of Maternity Jeans, black pants, and khakis. And it was the most difficult time I have ever had buying clothes. They still do not fit correctly, and it was SO hard to find Small sizes, but they will do. I still have yet to find any shirts that are wearable for me, or Maternity dresses either. I have mostly been buying sundresses that have a little room for Gwen to grow.
- Stretch Marks: STILL not talking about them...
- Sleep: I have been sleeping really well, especially since I have purchased the Boppy!! It is a pregnancy pillow and is VERY comfortable. Although, Wiley still sticks to his schedule of waking at 5 am... at least we have good preparation for the years to come!
- Best Moment of the Week: Finding out the sex! It is so nice to be able to call the baby by her name, it makes talking to her feel so much more natural and easy. And now we can begin shopping for Gwen!
- Food Cravings: Still the same, have had buffalo chicken a lot lately. Still in the spicy family though.
- Gender: GIRL!!!!!! It's so great to finally know!
- Labor Signs: Only half way there, so not yet.
- Belly Button In or Out? In, but I am almost convinced on it's way out.
- What I Miss This Week: Nothing, I would give up anything right now for our little girl.
- What I Am Looking Forward To: Painting Gwen's room... which will most definitely be documented and posted, don't you worry.
- Weekly Wisdom: You can never be too prepared, because too often are we not prepared enough.
- Milestones: 20 wks, finding out the gender, registering, and cleaning out the baby's room... I told you we have been busy!!! :)
What is the Baby Up To? Gwen is now the size of a cantaloupe. She gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutritional and to practice swallowing and digesting. And her taste buds are actually working these days. Hope she likes Spicy!
Hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day, lots of love to you all.
1 comment:
Happy Mother's Day to the mother to be!!!
WOW, I can't believe you're halfway there.
I'm thrilled for you that it's a girl....
Mrs. Aront
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