...that stupid stomach virus, that is.
I HATE being sick {I am a hypochondriac as it is}, and become completely useless.
It all started last night. I just knew something wasn't right. I felt it. Hubs didn't believe me {he's over my hypochondriac ways! lol}, but sure enough @ about 10ish, I was making a bee line to el bano {for which I visited almost every hour until the morning}.
After my 5th or 6th trip to the porcelin godess, I demanded begged Jason to stay home and give me a reprieve. He had something he HAD to be at work for, so he took Gwen with him {bless his heart, what a brave man}. And then my savior Momma came and took Gwen for the day!
Thank God, because what was I capable of doing today? Ummm, spending the day in the fetal position, that's what. lol. And truth be told, I was more worried about Gwen getting sick than having to pull it together to be an actual functioning human being today.
So, Gwen get's a sleepover with her Wela, I get to catch up on sleep, disinfect the house {actually Jason is on top of that, love that man}, and try to pull myself back together.
To all my fellow Mommas out there, don't you think that after the 10 months of pregnancy, the enduring task that is labor and delivery, and the sleepless nights/months that we endure, shouldn't we get a pass on all sicknesses forever until they are self sufficient?!?! Seriously.
These fellas and I have been bonding BIG TIME!
Hope you are having a better day than me!