Linking up again, for the next installment of...
Although I would like to BEAT them all for they way that they didn't even show up stunk up the ALCS this past week. Ugh! My Eff, Marry, Kill is all about the NY Yankees.
Here we go.
I figured this one out, by working backwards...
Kill - A-Rod. That was easy. Lol. Sorry, you aren't a good hubby. You're quite cheesy. And, well frankly, I'm not your biggest fan. {Oh, and you REALLY stunk lately!}
Eff - Cano.
Marry - Jeter. Duh. He's just a class act. A sweetheart. Yet, he's still a bachelor... hmmm. Lol.
The only one I even sorta like here is Jeter.
You basically just stole my answer. Although maybe I would eff Jeter. I hear he gives really good consolation gifts when you leave in the morning! Ha!
Bret Gardner should have made the list! But I would eff A-Rod Marry JEter and kill Cano.
As a Minnesota Twins fan I refuse to play along with this (sorry, but every yankee makes me want to vomit). I don't mean to be rude, it's just how I was raised. GO TWINS (oh wait.. we didn't even make the playoffs, whoops!) :) (i'm hoping that smiley face makes you realize I'm not a bad person... I'm actually very nice. I just can't stand the yankees.
haha I love this! I am a Tigers fan (sorry) but I appreciate your choices. I would have picked the same way!!!
Found your thru the link-up :)
I'd have gone the same way! hha
I hate the Yanks but that Cano guy is a HOTTIE!! I'd definitely eff him ;) I'd kill both A Rod and Jeter! lol
Good theme! And so hard to choose!!! I'd have to eff A-Rod, marry Cano, and kill Jeter.
Stopping by from the linkup! :)
Easily Entertained
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