
Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Christmas Switch

Santa, my friend, it's that time again.
we'll soon be expecting your visit.
But, Santa, I have just one more Christmas wish,
and I'm not sure if it's ok for me to wish it.

Not gadgets, not gizmos, not clothes,
not even to be rich.
What I really want this year, Santa...
Is for a Christmas Switch.

We love visits from you, Santa,
Please don't get us wrong.
But, we'd love to see our Pop, Santa,
it's been just too long.

We miss him so much, Santa,
and it's hard for us to be apart.
So, this wish is really one
that we need for our heart.

He's a really great driver, Santa,
You can trust him with your sleigh.
Just take a much needed break
And send him on his way.

To see his face and hear his voice,
Would make this Christmas perfect.
There are so many of us that miss him, Santa,
I promise this gift would be worth it.

We'd hug him and kiss him,
Give him just one more squeeze.
Then, maybe our first Christmas without him,
would come with a little more ease.

Then we'd send him back to Heaven,
where we need him the most.
Up there watching over us,
"Guarding his post"

For this wish I'd do anything, Santa,
Anything I could.
It's been a rough time without him,
And I swear I've been good.

So, please considerate it Santa,
Pretty please, with a cherry on top.
For this Christmas,
I just want to see my Pop.

-Samantha Jasovsky

December 25, 2011.


Amber said...

such a sweet post.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Such a sweet post! I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas!