
Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's OK

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok...
...that there are many days Jason comes home and asks, "What am I cooking for dinner?" {he likes to cook, and I like to let him cook, hehe!} AND, relax, it's NOT EVERY day, I DO cook too ;)

...that both Jason and I need to see the iPhone doctor :(  Hopefully today we can get there. let Gwen fall asleep on my chest.  {it's very rare that she sleeps ANYWHERE but her crib or the car, so I have to take advantage, right?}

...that I have unpainted toe nails right now.  {Hey, it's winter, well technically.  Ok, I'll go paint them now. Geesh!} just get in the car and drive {it's new, and I just like being in it!} not give a hoot about anything Bachelor/Bachelorette related.  {I don't watch.  Don't care.  To me, that show jumped the shark a looooong time ago.  ANY Real Housewives show is better than that stuff! lol}

...that my little baby girl is going to 18months old TOMORROW!  {Isn't it?  My heart just sank as I typed those words.  And now I am tearing up.  HOW could a half of a year have gone by already???  Ugh.  I know that every day older brings a new adventure, new things, but I want my baby to be a baby forever.  Ok, maybe not forever, but I LOVE this age. most of the time, hehe.  Time, please slow down.  Thanks.}

I am so happy that it's almost the weekend!  


LOVE MELISSA:) said...

18 months old already! I can't believe it! She is just too cute:) My nails are not painted either:)

Monica said...

I need to paint my toes too! This weather calls for open toed shoes. I also could care less about anything Bachelor/Bachelorette related

Natalie said...

My husband is a much better cook than I am!